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what-we-do/financial-claims/plevin", 10], ["11: PPI - what-we-do/financial-claims/ppi", 11], ["12: Marriage Allowance - what-we-do/tax-claims/marriage-allowance", 12], ["13: Help - help", 13], ["14: Glossary - help/glossary", 14], ["15: Customer Reviews - customer-reviews", 15], ["16: Contact Us - contact-us", 16], ["17: PPI Tax Back - what-we-do/tax-claims/ppi-tax-back", 17], ["18: Marriage Tax Calculator - what-we-do/tax-claims/marriage-tax-calculator", 18], ["1: Homepage - homepage", 1], ["2: About Us - about-us", 2], ["3: What we do - what-we-do", 3], ["44: Homepage 2 - homepage-2", 44], ["45: Help Centre - help-centre", 45], ["46: Homepage 3 - /", 46], ["47: Money Sense - money-sense", 47], ["4: Financial Claims - what-we-do/financial-claims", 4], ["5: Tax Claims - what-we-do/tax-claims", 5], ["6: Travel Claims - what-we-do/travel-claims", 6], ["7: Money Monitoring - what-we-do/money-monitoring", 7], ["8: Insurance - what-we-do/insurance", 8], ["9: PBA - what-we-do/financial-claims/pba", 9]], "hint": "Page the button should link to" }, "button_icon": { "label": "Button Icon", "type": "select", "options": [["Duo Tone: Paperplane", "fad fa-paper-plane"], ["Regular: Aeroplane", "far fa-plane"], ["Regular: Check", "far fa-check"], ["Regular: Double Check (Tick)", "far fa-check-double"], ["Regular: Money", "far fa-money-bill-wave-alt"], ["Regular: Rainbow", "far fa-rainbow"], ["Regular: Shield", "far fa-shield"], ["Solid: %", "fas fa-percent"], ["Solid: Binoculars", "fas fa-binoculars"], ["Solid: Bolt", "fas fa-bolt"], ["Solid: Brain", "fas fa-brain"], ["Solid: Briefcase", "fas fa-briefcase"], ["Solid: Calendar Tick", "fas fa-calendar-check"], ["Solid: Chart Line Graph", "fas fa-chart-line"], ["Solid: Chat (Speech bubble with ...)", "fas fa-comment-alt-dots"], ["Solid: Chat (Speech bubble)", "fas fa-comment-alt"], ["Solid: Clock", "fas fa-clock"], ["Solid: Coffee", "fas fa-coffee"], ["Solid: Credit Card", "fas fa-credit-card"], ["Solid: Envelope", "fas fa-envelope"], ["Solid: Fountain Pen", "fas fa-pen-nib"], ["Solid: Gavel", "fas fa-gavel"], ["Solid: Graduation Cap", "fas fa-graduation-cap"], ["Solid: Grin", "fas fa-grin"], ["Solid: Heart", "fas fa-heart"], ["Solid: Hourglass Ending", "fas fa-hourglass-end"], ["Solid: House", "fas fa-house"], ["Solid: Landmark", "fas fa-landmark"], ["Solid: Location Arrow", "fas fa-location-arrow"], ["Solid: Lock", "fas fa-lock"], ["Solid: Magnifying Glass with +", "fas fa-search-plus"], ["Solid: Monero", "fab fa-monero"], ["Solid: Money", "fas fa-money-bill-wave-alt"], ["Solid: Phone", "fas fa-phone"], ["Solid: Piggy Bank", "fas fa-piggy-bank"], ["Solid: Question Mark Circle", "fas fa-question-circle"], ["Solid: Rings", "fas fa-rings-wedding"], ["Solid: Shield", "fas fa-shield"], ["Solid: Smile", "fas fa-laugh"], ["Solid: Stopwatch", "fas fa-stopwatch"], ["Solid: Times (x) in a solid block", "fas fa-window-close"], ["Solid: Train", "fas fa-train"], ["Solid: User", "fas fa-user"], ["Solid: User Shield", "fas fa-user-shield"], ["Solid: User Slash", "fas fa-user-slash"], ["Solid: User with Check (Tick)", "fas fa-user-check"], ["Solid: User with check", "fas fa-user-check"], ["Solid: User with tie", "fas fa-user-tie"]], "hint": "Optional: Button Icon. This will get displayed in a circle beside the label" } }, "max-blocks": 2 } }